Friday, December 8, 2017

Procdg No 100 || 4th Quarter Budget Release under Aided Institutions

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Procdg. No.100/AIII/2017-18 Dt. 07.12.2017

Sub: SE - Budget 2017-18 - C.B.R.O. - Meeting the expenditure under 4th quarter of F.Y. 2017-18 as distributed in CFMS - Quarterly Regulation Orders - Issued - Reg.

Ref: 1.G.O.Ms.No.57 Finance(Budget-I) Dept., dt.07.04.2017
2. G.O.Ms.No. 1517, Finance(FMU-Educatjon) Dept., dt: 30.06.2017.
3. G.O.Ms.No,182, Finance(Budget.l) Dept., dt: 13.11.2017.
4. Rc.No.734/PS-I/2017 dt: 01.12.2017 of the CSE, AP, Ibrahimpatnam.

In the reference 2nd read above, the Government have issued Comprehensive Budget Release Order for the period from April/2017 to March/2018 i.e. for all (4) quarters of the current  Financial Year 2017-18.

In the reference 3rd read above, the Government have issued Quarterly Regulation Orders, exempting expenditure towards salaries of the employees of Aided Educational Institutions, other than Universities whose salary bills are drawn under detailed H.O.A. 310/311 - Grants-in-Aid towards salaries and as per the provisions of S.R.24 read with instructions under TR.16, subjecting such claims to the general regulations and procedures followed in drawing the pay and allowances of regular employees and to the audit procedures followed in Treasury Audit. Accordingly, the Guidelines have been issued vide reference 4th read above.

Accordingly and in pursuance of the orders issued in the references read above, the Commissioner of School Education is hereby accorded sanction for release of an amount of Rs. 111,19,09,000!- (Rupees One Hundred Eleven Crore Nineteen Lakhs Nine Thousand Only), as shown in the Annexure to the District Educational Officers, towards incurring expenditure on payment of salaries , DA arrears etc. under 4th quarter of F.Y. 2017-18 to the staff working in the Aided Schools as shown below:

All the District Treasury Officers in the state are requested to admit the claims preferred by the   District Educational Officers concerned to the extent of Budget now released and authorized.

The District Educational Officers are held responsible for the budget distribution and payments made.

The above expenditure shall be debited to the Head of Accounts mentioned in the Annexures I-IX.

Sd/- K.Sandhya Rani
Commissioner of School Education

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