This is a simple translate button.
Candidate Instruction
This Exam is for duration of
2.00 hours (120 minutes)
Marks for every correct
answer : 1
Negative Marking for every wrong answer:
Marks for the Un-attempted Question :
1. Please ensure
that you are not in possession of any prohibited items and you
must ensure that you only have your Admit Card and ID proof (in
original) with you.
2. Please read
the Instructions carefully, then click on "I HAVE READ THE
3. You are requested
to avoid touching the wires and cables as it could lead to
the computer shutting down.
4. In
case you face any technical issue while logging into the
examination or during the exam, please contact the Invigilator
immediately to address the issue.
5. In
the event of any technical issue faced during the exam, you are
requested to be seated inside the lab for further instructions by
the examination conducting authority. No candidate is permitted to
leave the examination centre before the schedule time. Any candidate
walking out of the lab before the completion of the exam time, i.e.
the stipulated 2.00 hours (120 minutes), without the
permission of examination functionaries such candidates under any
circumstances will not be permitted to enter the examination lab and
it may also be noted that his/her candidature will be
6. Please make sure you
sign in the space provided against your details in the Attendance
Sheet, Admit Card, and Rough Sheet. Signing on these sheets is
mandatory and without signing these sheets your candidature will be
7. All Exam Labs are
under Video Surveillance and all activities of candidates are
being closely monitored. You are therefore strictly cautioned
not to indulge in any unfair means. Such activities would
lead to cancellation of your candidature.
About Question Paper:
1) Instructions of the computer based examimnations
will be in English. The question paper will be bilingual (EM/TM,
2) All the MCQ type questions will have 4 options with
1 correct option. The questions provided across each section can be
tagged for ease of revision within the stipulated time for the
3) There is a TIMER (Clock)
available on the TOP RIGHT HAND CORNER of the Screen; you are
requested to keep an eye on the TIMER (Clock) for knowing the time
remaining for the completion of that particular
4) Only one question will be
displayed on the computer screen at a time. In order to attempt next
question, the candidates should click on
or to go back click on
button provided at the bottom of the
5) The questions can be answered
in any order within the given time frame. The candidate should click
with the mouse on the correct choice, from 4 options given. In case,
the candidate does not wish to attempt a question, it can be left
6) The candidate can change the
option of a question later by selecting a new option in case he/she
wishes to. In case candidate does not want to answer the question,
he/she can deselect the answer by clicking
provided against the question.
7) To move back and forth between questions, candidates
should use the
button or click on the question number on the
right hand side of the computer screen where question numbers would
be displayed along with the `attempted` and `not attempted`
8) The answers will be saved
and marked green in right side question palette whenever the
candidate goes for next question, by clicking on
Note: "Candidates are requested to Click on
only once while moving from 1 question to the
other. Clicking the
multiple times will lead to the Page freezing
and the exam will have to be restarted."
9) Candidates have the option to bookmark a question in
case they want to review it at a later stage by clicking on the
button available at the bottom of the screen.
The Bookmark on a particular question can be removed by clicking on

The question palette at the right of the screen shows the following
status of each of the questions numbered
PS: Questions which are
attempted and marked for review would be treated as attempted
questions only as long as the candidate does not
the option selected.
11) On the completion of the test duration, even if the
candidate does not click on the
button, his test will be automatically
submitted and saved by the computer.
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