Saturday, December 16, 2017

Review meeting with DEO, PO, Dy.E.Os M.E.Os,Sectorial officers &EE, SSA,EE, APEWIDC-Rc.No.5519

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Rc.No.5519/ B3 / 2017      Dt.16-12-2017
Sub:- School Education – Review meeting with the District Educational Officers, Project Officers of SSA, Deputy Educational Officers and Mandal Educational Officers in the Zone-III –  Communication of Agenda Items – Regarding.
Ref::- 1.This office Proc.Rc.No.Spl/B3/17 Dt. 15.10. 2017
2. Review meeting conducted in Guntur District on 15.12.2017

In continuation of the process of conduct of review meetings in the zone-III, the review meeting has been conducted in Guntur District on 15.12.2017 with the District Educational Officer, Project Officer of SSA, Deputy Educational Officers, EE, SSA, EE, APEWIDC and Mandal Educational Officers.
The schedule of the Review meeting for S.P.S.R Nellore and Prakasam District is
mentioned here under.
Sl.No. Date & Time Venue For whom
1. 21.12.2017 at 10.00AM O/o SSA, Nellore DEO, PO, Dy.E.Os M.E.Os,Sectorial officers &EE, SSA,EE, APEWIDC
2. 23.12.2017 at 10.00AM O/o SSA, Prakasam
1. Gross Enrolment Ratio 7 Child info Correlation Gap.
2. C.M Dash Board items.
a. E-Hazar.
b. Assessment Analytics.
c. DCR Usage Status.
3. Infrastructure facilities in schools.
4. Status for construction of kitchen sheds (Grounded or not) and MDM all components & expenditure MIS data particulars. (SMS & APP Service report, Food Security Act, Hand Wash stations)
5. Information about Construction of additional class rooms (SSA/RMSA) (School wise, Mandal wise, grounded or not).
6. Action plan for class VI to X examinations.
7. Details of Visits & Inspections particularly from the previous meeting.
8. Tentative Tour programme / Submission of Work done statement.
9. Swatch Bharat Teams information in the school (Members constituted teams in the schools) – ODF.
10. Status of pending RTI , Meekosam Grievance applications,.
11. Details of Unauthorised absentees / Long Leave (Along with Name & Date) case wise.
12. Pending enquiry reports of D.E.Os, Dy.E.Os and M.E.Os case wise.
13. Play fields.
14. SSC & 1 to 9th class students performance.
15. Details of Disciplinary cases pending.
16. Special classes visit.
17. Identification of headmasters for monitoring.
18. Number statement.
19. Uniform Details.
20. School wise Philanthropists (Donors) list.
21. Badikosta details.
22. Spell Programme details.
23. Continuous monitoring and quality assessment Programme (COMQAP).
24. Any other items proposed by the chair.
25. Status of court cases of APAT & High Court for filing courter affidavits.

Hence, all the officers and staff of the above mentioned Districts are instructed to attend to the above said review meeting on the scheduled dates with all the relevant information regarding the Agenda items and DEOs & POs are instructed to submit the Notes on Agenda Items to the undersigned one day before the review meeting, without fail.

Regional Joint Director of
School Education, Guntur.

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