Friday, December 29, 2017

AP SCERT Rc 426 || SLAS 2018 - Conduct of Evaluator Training workshop and guidelines for SLAS 2017- Roles and Responsibilities

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Present: Smt. K. Sandhya Rani, IPoS

Rc. No. 426/B/SCERT/2017 Dated: 28-12-2017

Sub:- Vidya Vikaasam program, AP SCERT - SLAS 2018 - Conduct of Evaluator Training workshop and guidelines for SLAS 2017- Roles and Responsibilities- Reg.

Ref:- 1. Proceedings Re. No. 426/B/SCERT/2017 dt. 22.12.17, on conduct of SLAS in all districts in a set of sample schools
2. Proceedings Rc. No. 426/B/SCERT/2017 dt. 26.12.17, on conduct of Master Trainer Workshop for SLAS 2018

Attention to all the Regional Joint Directors (RJDSEs), District Education Officers (DEOs), District Project Officers (DPOs), are informed that vide reference cited above, Student Learning Achievement Survey (SLAS) 2017-18 will be conducted for Classes 4,6 and 9 in a set of sample schools of Govt. and Pvt. managements in all districts.

The Master trainer workshop was conducted on 27.12.17 at SCERT, Amaravati to all the master trainers at SCERT, which includes State Assessment cell, District Assessment cell and DCEB members.

As a follow- up, the DEOs are instructed to conduct Evaluator Training workshops in each district between 30.12.17 and 02.01.17 to all the identified CRPs, with the help of Master Trainers, viz., District Assessment Cell members and DCEB secretary.

1. Finalize the CRPs to be selected as Evaluators for SLAS 2018 and send to SCERT -29.12.2017
2. Conduct Evaluator Workshops in District for SLAS 2018 - 30.12.17 - 02.01.17

The DEOs are instructed to conduct the evaluator workshops and administer SLAS in all the schools from available funds. They arc instructed to meet the expenditure towards the following from district funds:

-Printing, logistics and TA/DA expenses of CRP Evaluator training between 30.12.17 and 02.01.17 -Storage oIQ.P.s and OMRs that will arrive in DCEB offices between 02.01.17 and 03.01.17
- Distribution and transportation of school-wise packages to concern MEO
offices by 04.0 1.17
- TA and DA allowance of CRPs on the days of conduct of examination
- Transport of school bundles to scanning centers, immediately post
examination day

All DEOs may submit bills in prescribed format to SCERT-AP for reimbursement towards SLAS expenses.

For Commissioner of School Education

Click Here to Get Rc. No. 426/B/SCERT/2017 Dated: 28-12-2017

Click Here to Get SLAS-State monitaring Team - Roles and responsibilities
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