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Rc.No.0201/SGF/2017-18 Dated: 30 -11-2017
Sub: School Education Extension of Sports adopted schools programme to cover Government, Zilla parishad Schools in the state -Implementation of the scheme, through co-ordination of school education department. Reg.
Read: 1. Andhra Pradesh Sports Policy 2017-22. Vide GO.MS.No.8 Dated: 24-05- 2017 from Govt., of Andhra Pradesh, YAT&C (Sps & Yoga) Dept.
2. Lr.No.SAAP/SCS/SA(G)S,2610,2017.18 Dated:26.1O-2O17 of VC & MD SAAP
All the D.E.OS in the State are informed that “with a vision to develop Sports culture at celebrates and promotes participation and excellence in sports” for all citizens of A.P., the Govt., has issued sports policy for the period 2017-22 In the reference read 1st cited.
In the above context, the Sports Authority of Andhra Pradesh is implementing various sports coaching schemes in the state for implementation of the LONG TERM ATHLETIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (t.TADP under the above new sports policy, with co-ordination of all the stake holders, including the School Education Department of Andhra Pradesh, which has a great potential for implementing the programme.
Further, SAAP is already implementing sports adopted programme in pvt., schools in the state and it is now proposed to cover 303 Selected Government! Zilla parishad Schools In the state identified in coordination with state sports and yoga co-ordinator and regional coordinators of SChool Education department. The list of Schools identified is here with enclosed.
The main objective of the scheme is to make use of the good infrastructure and services of Pt.T’s I SA-PLT of the Government / Zilla panshad schools to train 12 Boys & Girls selected team game from the schools identified for the purpose. The boys/ girls studying in class 5th to 10th will be selected for the team shall be trained for future medal prospects by providing sports materials, scientific training in the disciplines of (1) Athletics (2) Basket ball (3) Foot ball (4) Hand ball (5) Kabaddi (6) Kho Kho and (7) Volley ball. They wilt be absorbed in to the SAAP Coaching training schemes as per the performance.
Further, a draft MOU which Is prepared by SAAP with objectives and rules & responsibility of SAAP and school Education department, for Implementing of the programme, is here with furnished. This MOU is to be signed by concerned HM and SAAP representative.
All the DEOs in the state are therefore requested to take necessary action for making an agreement with SAAP by the HMs concerned for implementing the LTADP programme in 303 identified school by SAAP.
Commissioner of SchooL Education
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