Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Rc No 11 || Launching of Ananda Lahari Abhyasana (ALA) Schools at Mandal level - Reg

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 Rc No  11 || Launching of Ananda Lahari Abhyasana (ALA) Schools at Mandal level - Reg
Lr. Rc.No. 11 /C/C&T/SCERT/2016 dt. 14.11.2017

Sub: Launching of Ananda Lahari Abhyasana (ALA) Schools at Mandal level - Reg.
Ref: Progs. Rc.No. 11/CIC&T/SCERT/2016 dt.27.09.2017

With respect to the Progs. in the reference cited, ALA schools in each Mandal have to be launched by 18.10.2017. But due to delay in transport of ALA infrastructural material and TLM it is postponed. In this regard, please note that RiVER Tide institute is transporting the said material to 13 districts in the coming weeks and expected to be supplied by the end of November 2017.

In view of the time gaps in receiving the material from district to district, it is suggested to launch ALA schools in your districts independently.

In this regard all the DEOs are requested to fix a convenient common date to launch ALA programme in all Mandals of your respective Districts independently, after ensuring receipt of material by all ALA schools and inform the same to Commissioner of School Education, State Project Director SSA and Director SCERT.

You are further requested to inform ALA school teachers to launch the programme by inviting MEO, Complex H.Ms, parents, SMC members and Villages in a festive mood following the instructions in the reference.

With best regards


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