Friday, November 24, 2017

Proc Rc No 3 || CCE SA-I Examination Objective type Question paper for Class VIII and IX - Guidelines Issued

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Proc Rc No 3 || CCE SA-I Examination Objective type Question paper for Class VIII and IX - Guidelines Issued
Proc. Rc. 3/B/C&T/SCERT/2016 Dated: 23-11-2017

Sub: SCERT, AP, Amaravati - School Education Department - Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation - Implementation of Examination reforms- Submission of SA-I Examination Objective type Question paper for Class VIII and IX - Guidelines Issued - Reg.

Ref:- 1. G.O. Ms. No.17 School Education (Prog.1I) Dept.. dt.14.05.2014.
2. G.O. Ms. No.29 School Education (Prog.ll) [)ept.. dt.23.09.2014.
3. G.O. Ms. No.82 School Education (Prog.II) Dept.. dt.29.10.2015.
4. G.O. Ms. No.41 School Education (Prog.1I) Dept.. dt.07.06.2016.
5. G.O. Ms. No.80 School Education (Prog.1I) Dept., dt.25.10.2017.
6. Oral instructions of Commissioner of School Education, Andhra Pradesh.

All the District Educational Officers in the State are informed that as per reference citied above SA-I examinations to be conducted for class VI, VII and X in descriptive type and classes VIII and IX in OMR enabled objective type examinations. Class VI, VII and X question papers printed and supplied to all schools by the DCEB Secretaries in the concerned districts. Class VIII and IX objective type question papers and OMR sheets print and supply by Director, Government Examinations, Andhra Pradesh.

In this connection all the District Educational Officers in the State arc informed to conduct meeting with all MEOs and Dy.EOs., on the guidelines issued by SCERT for conduct of SA-I examination which is scheduled from 13-12-20171020-12-2017 in all the schools under all managements without any deviation, and prepare clear roadmap for conduct SA-I examinations without any malpractices.

Encls: Guidelines

SCERT, Andhra Pradesh


SCERT Andhra Pradesh
Guidelines for Conduct of SA-I Examinations - 2017-18
• As per Ci. 0. Ms. No. 80. School Education Dept. (Prog-Il) dated 25-10-2017 SA-1 Examinations for class VIII and IX will he conducted objecik’e type OMR enabled Examination.
• Communicate SA-1 Examination schedule i.e., from 13-12-2017 to 20-12-2017 to all schools.

Director, Government Examinations:

• Director. Government Examinations. Andhra Pradesh print and supply objective type question papers and OMR sheets for classes VIII and IX.
• Director, Government Examinations, Andhra Pradesh collect class wise, medium wise student particulars from IT Cell.
• Director. Government Examinations should supply properly sealed bundles of school wise Question Papers and OMR covers to all schools based on the indent provided by IF cell.
• Director, Government Examinations. Andhra Pradesh supply school wise sealed packets of Question Papers to the Mandal point.
• Question Papers may be reached to Mandal point on or before 10-12-2017 by
Director, Government Examinations.

District Educatioiial Officer:
• Instruct all the Headinasters to take necessary actions for practicing of OMR enabled Examination for the students of class VIII and IX in all the schools under all managements.
• DEO should take necessary precautions for strict maintaining of confidentiality at all levels.
• DE0 should conduct meeting with all MEOs and Dy.EOs, SSA officials. DIET faculty to prepare a clear roadmap for smooth conduct of SA-l examination without any scope for malpractices.
• DE0 should constitute a district level team to monitor conduct of SA-l examinations with MEOs and Dy.EOs, SSA officials, DIET faculty in their respective districts.
• Leakage of Question Papers. Mass Coping and other Malpractices should be avoided at all levels.
• If any malpractices may be noticed the Commissioner of School Education, Andhra Pradesh may  take disciplinary actions.
• DEO should instruct DECB Secretary to take care for supplying of Class VI, VII and X sealed  Question Papers to Mandal point.

Mandal Educational Officer:
• MEO is held responsible to keep all these Question Papers and OMR sheets in the strong room.
• \IEO should intbrrn all the School Complex Headmasters to receive Question Papers one day befre each examination.
• MEO should not give all the question papers at a time to School Complex Headmasters.
• The MEO should constitute a OMR receiving cell at Mandal l-Ieadquarter for scanning and other activities (the details of scanning procedures may be communicated in due course).

School Complex Headmaster:
• The School Complex I leadmaster should collect Question Paper and OMR sheets one day before the examination.
• The School Complex 1-leadmaster preserve the Question Papers in Iron safe.
• The School Complex Headmaster distribute Question Papers and OMR sheets to all the schools one hour before the examination by utilizing the services of Cluster Resource Persons.
•The School Complex Headmaster is held responsible to maintain strict confidentiality.
• This should be done every day by the School Complex Headmaster till the completion of exam inations.

• Headmaster is the first level monitoring officers for smooth conduct of summative examination without any deviations.
• Headmaster should verif’ seals of the question paper bundles at the time receiving from the Cluster Resource Person.
• If the Headmaster identifS’ any damage to the seal of the paper bundle communicate the information to MEO.
• After completion of every day Examination the OMR sheets should be neatly packed by the concerned School Headmaster without any damage and submit at OMR receiving cell in the Mandal Headquarter.

SCERT, Andhra Pradesh

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