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Rc. No.286/B/TE/SCERT/2017 Dt:26.10.2017
Sub: S.E.-SCERT,AP- Workshops by CCRT, New Delhi for teachers from our state during the months of November, 2017 and December,2017 -Deputation of ten teachers- Req - Reg.
Ref: CCRT/14011/1/2017/10991, Dt. August 28, 2017, from Deputy Director, Center for Cultural Resources and Training (Under the aegis of Ministry of Culture, Govt. of india) New Delhi.
While enclosing a copy of the reference read above, all the District Educational Officers in the State are informed that the Centre for Cultural Resources and Training, New Delhi has informed
that it will be organizing workshops for in-service teachers during the months of November, 2017 and December,2017 and requested to depute Ten (10) teachers. The details of the Workshop may please be seen at Annexure-1.
Please see:
Annexure - II: Details regarding objectives, contents of the Workshop
Annexure - III: General instructions for deputation of teachers.
Annexure IV: Boarding & Lodging arrangements and payment of TA/DA to the participants.
Therefore alt the District Educational Officers are requested to give instructions to select the teachers for the said trainings as per the annexures communicated by the CCRT and relieve them so as to enabLe them to attend the programs at the venues given in the Annexures, communicated by the CCRT.
Therefore all the District Educational Officers are requested to send List of deputed teachers for each workshop to the CCRT email ( or fax No.011-25088637 at Least one week in advance.
The expenditure on training and TA/DA to the participants wilt be borne by the CCRT. It has also been decided by the CCRT, that while accepting the deputed teachers from the State, if the norms and conditions are not adhered to, the deputed teachers will be neither registered nor paid TA/DA for reporting. This is being done to avoid any censures from the auditors.
Sd / -
M.V.Rajya Lakshmi,
Click here to Get Rc No 286
Rc. No.286/B/TE/SCERT/2017 Dt:26.10.2017
Sub: S.E.-SCERT,AP- Workshops by CCRT, New Delhi for teachers from our state during the months of November, 2017 and December,2017 -Deputation of ten teachers- Req - Reg.
Ref: CCRT/14011/1/2017/10991, Dt. August 28, 2017, from Deputy Director, Center for Cultural Resources and Training (Under the aegis of Ministry of Culture, Govt. of india) New Delhi.
While enclosing a copy of the reference read above, all the District Educational Officers in the State are informed that the Centre for Cultural Resources and Training, New Delhi has informed
that it will be organizing workshops for in-service teachers during the months of November, 2017 and December,2017 and requested to depute Ten (10) teachers. The details of the Workshop may please be seen at Annexure-1.
Please see:
Annexure - II: Details regarding objectives, contents of the Workshop
Annexure - III: General instructions for deputation of teachers.
Annexure IV: Boarding & Lodging arrangements and payment of TA/DA to the participants.
Therefore alt the District Educational Officers are requested to give instructions to select the teachers for the said trainings as per the annexures communicated by the CCRT and relieve them so as to enabLe them to attend the programs at the venues given in the Annexures, communicated by the CCRT.
Therefore all the District Educational Officers are requested to send List of deputed teachers for each workshop to the CCRT email ( or fax No.011-25088637 at Least one week in advance.
The expenditure on training and TA/DA to the participants wilt be borne by the CCRT. It has also been decided by the CCRT, that while accepting the deputed teachers from the State, if the norms and conditions are not adhered to, the deputed teachers will be neither registered nor paid TA/DA for reporting. This is being done to avoid any censures from the auditors.
Sd / -
M.V.Rajya Lakshmi,
Click here to Get Rc No 286
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