Wednesday, June 10, 2015

What is WASH in Schools?

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Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (


Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in schools refers to a combination of infrastructure (Hardware), its maintenance and behaviour (Software) components that are necessary to produce a healthy school environment and to develop or support appropriate health and hygiene behaviours.
Components of WASH:
      Access to sufficient quantities of safe water for
   Hand-washing and personal hygiene
         Sufficient water for:
         Cleaning, flushing toilets, school gardens, etc
         Toilet facilities that are:
   Child-friendly, gender-specific, culturally and environmentally appropriate, private, safe, and well maintained
      Personal hygiene materials
   soap, sanitary pads, etc
      Hygiene education
   Curriculum, lesson plans, role play, group activities, wall-paintings, competitions etc
      Safe disposal of solid waste
      Control measures to reduce transmission and morbidity of WASH-related illnesses
   Approaches to control vector borne disease
   Diarrhoea prevention and management, De-worming campaigns, nutritional supplements   
      Human Resources
   A system of capacity building in place for administrators and teachers
   Teachers with WASH in Schools Orientation
   WASH in Schools on the agenda of the School Management Committee
   WASH in Schools  embedded in the monitoring system of Swachh Patashala and SSA

Impacts related to WASH in Schools
      Soil transmitted helminth infections
      Trachoma, scabies
      Acute respiratory infection
      Impaired growth

      Educational attainment
   Test scores
    Water availability
    Privacy and safety
    Menstrual management

Long term impacts  of WASH on students
·        Increases attendance and cognitive development
·        Children are more receptive to new ideas and can more easily change their behaviour and promote improved practices within their families and among  their communities
·        WASH in schools fosters social inclusion and individual self-respect by offering an alternative to stigma and marginalisation
·        Hand washing with soap, particularly after contact with excreta, can reduce diarrhoeal diseases by over 44% and respiratory infections by 30%. 

WinS Policy and Strategy
      Right to Education Act (2009) guarantees separate toilets for girls and boys and safe and adequate drinking water in schools.
      Supreme Court Order  (2011): “It is imperative that all schools must provide toilet facilities; empirical researches have indicated that wherever toilet facilities are not provided in the schools, parents do not send their children (particularly girls) to schools’’.
      A National Mission: Swachh Bharat Swachh Vidyalaya Mission, October 2014 - mandates a ‘essential package’ of WinS intervention
      Swachh Telangana – Swachh Patashala, a State strategy to promote WASH in Schools

Why Schools?
      Schools are an established entry point for learning
      Children are fast learners and adapt their behaviours more easily than adults. Children are also effective role models.
      What they learn at school is likely to be passed on to their peers and siblings, and to their own children if they become parents
      Schools are a natural learning environment, making schoolchildren potentially more receptive to behaviour change and behaviour change education
      Schools are also nodes of disease transmission and therefore should have systems in place  to contain spread of disease

Status of WASH in Telangana
      Around 29,000 schools in Telangana
      Approximately 28 lakh students
      More than 7700 toilets need to be constructed
      More than 6000 toilets need repairs
      Around 3200 schools need drinking water facilities

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