Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Rc 2315 Conducting Training to all HMs for Implemention of Wash in schools - Swachh Patashala in TS

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Proc .Rc.No.2315/SSA/T6/2015-2,                                      Dated: 08.06.2015,

    Subject: SSA- Telangana- Pedagogy & R&E- Swachh Patashala- Implementation of WASH in schools- Conduct of Assembly Constituency  wise /  Divisional  training  on  13th June and l4th June, 20 15 for all HMs in the District-Reg.

1) Proc. Rc. No, even, dt. 04.06.2015.
2) G,O No 105 dated 20.05.2015 of Govt.of Telangana.

All the District Educational Officers, the Project Officers of SSA and the Principals of DIETs in the State are informed that the SSA, Telangana State has scheduled one day training to all HMs of all schools in the Districts in two phases i.e on 13th June & 14th June, 20 15 at Assembly Constituency   level/Divisional level for implementation of WASH programme in all schools in the State under Swachh Patashala.

In this regard a State level Resource persons Training is in progress for the identified HMs from each district on 8th, 9th and 10th June, 2015 in collaboration with the ASCI at SPO, SSA. From each district at least 30 Resource persons (Except Hyderabad) are be trained at state level programme and in turn they will act as Resource persons for conduct of the Training at Sub district level i.e. , by clubbing of 3 to 4 sandals Assembly Constituency level / Divisional level.

Guidelines on Training

1. The Resource persons trained at State level on 8th, 9th and 10th June, 2015 at SPO, SSA shall be the Resource persons at sub-district level.

2. The services of the Resource persons who were already trained in this programme at State level on 27 May, 2015 at ASCI, Hyderabad i.e. , faculty of DIET, Engineers from SSA; NGOs and other members who have represented from their respective districts shall also be utilized for sum-district level training programme.

3. As per the number of Resource persons trained at State level, teams shall be formed, @ two RPs per team.

4. Each team shall be allocated one assembly constituency and shall cover all the H Ms of Primary, UP and Secondary schools working under Government sector and Local bodies including KGBVs and Model Schools.

5. Each team shall be positioned for two days in the allotted assembly Constituency i.e„ 13th and 14th June, 2015 and cover the school HMs i. e @ at least 100 per day.

6. If any Assembly Constituency has more participants, more than 200, they may be adjusted to neighboring constituency.

7. If any district is not able to complete the target i.e covering all Headmasters of Primary, UP and Secondary schools working in Government sector in these two days, then the training may be conducted on 15  June, 20 15.

8. The DPOs in consultation with respective DEOs shall prepare the list of school HMs, constituency wise, then they may be allotted to the identified centers located in the Assembly constituency or by clubbing 2 to 3 mandate.

9. As the programme is being conducted for two days, two different venues may be identified at the constituency / Divisional so that it will facilitate the participants to attend the training at the nearest venue.

10. The DPOs shall identify the training venues having big hall, which can accommodate 100 participants in single room with adequate good amenities. If such venues are not available at Constituency level, the venue may be shifted to revenue divisional head quarters.

11. In every venue, arrange the LCD projector end computer with sound system to facilitate the screening of short video films and power points.

12. For each venue, the concerned Dy.E.O J MEOs will be the coordinator for the conduct of one day training in two spells.
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